About Us
Rosa Organics has created a skincare range that honours the skin’s natural integrity by ensuring that all three of the above vital elements are sourced from ingredients that mimic the skin, thereby allowing for the greatest possible compatibility and penetration.
The only way to do this effectively, and with the fewest ingredients, is by using Superior Natural & Organic oils. Rosa Organics uses oils that are complex in composition which means that they contain a wide array of skin nutrients. In less superior skincare such an extravagant menu of skin nutrients would require the inclusion of many more ingredients.
Skin Care
Rosa Organics
Skin Care
Our promise is a genuine solution to premature ageing of the skin.
Our secret is that our products really work! In order for a skincare product to truly deliver on the promise, it needs to contain three essential elements. Without these three elements present, skincare products will not be able to maintain healthy and youthful-looking skin. Nor will the skin repair itself effectively, nor will there be protection from oxidative stress. These are:
How it Works
In order to understand why it is necessary to use superior skin care, a greatly simplified description of the skin and how it “works” follows. There are three layers to the skin.
The Epidermis
This is the outermost layer of the skin and is made up of five sub-layers that work together to continually rebuild the surface of the skin. The Corneum Stratum is the outer layer that acts as a gateway, both in and out. It allows for the penetration of external nutrients to the layers of the skin where these nutrients are needed. And it sloughs off the dead skin cells that are pushed up from the basal layer. The cell turnaround time is 28-30 days in young adults, slowing down to 45-50 days in elderly adults.
Corneum Stratum and the Basal Layer
I will skip the layers inbetween the Corneum Stratum and the Basal layer (which is the last layer of the Epidermis) and deal directly with Basal Layer because it is here that cells are constantly being renewed and it is here that the first signs of damage will occur. Fortunately the skin has a natural ability to protect itself from oxidative stress, but in extreme cases it needs a little help.
The Dermis
The Dermis is the layer beneath the Epidermis and is the thickest of the skins layers. It is also the layer that has the most functions. I will not deal with all of them because not all of these relate to skin care products. One of the main functions of the dermis is to supply the epidermis with nutrient-saturated blood. Also, much of the body’s water is stored in the dermis. The dermis also contains most of the skin’s specialized cells and structures.
Blood Vessels
These supply oxygen and nutrients to the skin.
Sebaceous Glands
These glands secrete oil and keep the skin smooth and supple.
Collagen and Elastin
The dermis is held together by a protein called collagen, made by fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are skin cells that give the skin its strength and resilience. Collagen supports the epidermis, lending its durability. Elastin, a similar protein, is the substance that allows the skin to spring back into place when stretched and keeps the skin flexible.
The Subcutis
The Subcutis is the last layer of the skin. For the purpose of this exercise it is not necessary to deal with the subcutis because it’s functions are to act as an insulator and as a shock absorber protecting the inner organs. It is not responsible for the appearance of the skin.
Key Ingredients
Having discussed the three layers of the skin, it will become apparent why in order for skincare to be effective it needs
Anti-Oxidants: Anti-Oxidants will protect the Basal layer from free radical scavengers and thus protect it from skin cancer and sun damage, and from premature ageing as a result of lifestyle.
Cell Communicating Substances: As you will have gathered, the skin is made up of a multitude of cells therefore it is necessary for these cells to communicate in order to perform cohesively. This is achieved by Cell Communicating Substances. These substances are vital to maintaining healthy, youthful skin because they instruct the cell to repair itself by reducing inflammation, by encouraging the production of collagen, and by inhibiting substances that cause collagen to break down. The most well-researched cell-communicating substance in skincare is Vitamin A. Peptides are also cell communicators but Vitamin A still tops the list.
Intercellular Substances: The third most important element to making a skincare product effective is that it contains intercellular substances. These are ingredients that mimic the skin structure. Linoleic Acid is one such ingredient. Intercellular substances are those ingredients that exist naturally in skin and work to hold skin cells together. A dry environment, sun damage, irritation, inflammation and age all serve to reduce the presence of these substances in the skin. Intercellular substances will help to keep the layers of the skin whole, resilient and in good shape.